
Community Iñigo takes care of the Program Iñigo by organizing Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) every shool year from October to May (30 weeks) and Spiritual Exercises in Silence (SES) from three to thirty days mainly during the summer time (June to August) for individuals and groups.

The participants of SEEL have one hour prayer per day six days a week and one interview weekly with her/his prayer companion about their prayer experience. These interviews are spiritual workshops where the Holy Spirit edifies both the retreatants who express their prayer experience, and the prayer companions who listen to it and discern it together with the retreants. The prayer themes are taken from the Scripture and the book Spiritual Exercises by St. Ignatius. The 30 week schedule is taken from the book Orientations by Father John Veltri, S. J. Those who want to participate in the Program usually register through the web site, or by regular mail. If they are accepted in the Program, they get materials, the prayer companion and the password to enter the web site. The instructions how to do the Spiritual Exercises may be obtained from the prayer companion in one hour weekly interview and at weekly, biweekly or monthly prayer meetings organized in various places where there are enough participants to form a group.

Every prayer companion gives to his/her retreatants one hour of his/her time per week. More than 3400 retreatants has participated in the SEEL of 30 weeks till now. It means that the prayer companions in the Program Iñigo have donated over 100.000 hours of their time to the retreatants (3400 x 30 hours is 102.000). This is without interviews during SES. In different places the prayer companions have their regular prayer meetings with instructions how to accompany others on their spiritual journey. Dr. Čunčić has also started a Prayer Companion School with teachings and workshops, theory and sharing, personal and communal discernment.

The Program has spread by word of mouth and by life testimonies. It is present in many parishes, in families who sometimes participate with more of their members and in the different Church orders, communities and movements. It is present in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Germany and other countries. The participants are of different ages and come from various walks of life, men and women, lay people and clerics together.

last change: 2009-09-01

Iñigo in contemplation

Iñigo stayed in the cave in Manresa about one year. He was sorry for all his sins, and he prayed over the mysteries of Jesus' life. Thus he was the first to go through spiritual exercises under the direction of our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary. He recorded the instructions and insights and later wrote a book Spiritual Exercises. This book has been used for centuries by many who wanted to know and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Today the cave is nicely maintained and is part of the Jesuit church. At the entrance to the cave angels hold the inscriptions with sentences taken from the book Spiritual Exercises written by St. Ignatius in Spanish.

The left angel carries the inscription:

I seek the inner knowledge of the Lord who for my sake became a man so that I may love him and revere Him ever more.

The right angel carries the inscription:

Christ calls everyone under His standard, and on the other side Lucifer under his.